Using in a monorepo

To use Keystatic in a monorepo there are just a few things you need to be aware of.

Schema path

The path in your schema should be relative to the root of your app rather than the root of the repo. Your post collection should look like this:

const posts = collection({
  label: 'Posts',
  slugField: 'title',
- path: 'apps/docs/content/posts/*',
+ path: 'content/posts/*',
  format: { data: 'json' },
  schema: {
  title: fields.slug({ name: { label: 'Title' } }),
    content: fields.document({
      label: 'Content',

Storage mode

When using Keystatic in GitHub or Cloud mode, you will need to specify the path prefix:

const storage: Config["storage"] =
  process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
    ? {
        kind: "github",
        pathPrefix: "apps/docs",
        repo: "thinkmill/keystatic",
    : {
        kind: "local",